Anything that makes wedding planning easier is a good thing! Well today, we have 5 things that fit within that category for you. Be sure to bookmark this post or write it down because these tips are going to come in handy.
Sealing Envelopes
Why are you licking every one of those envelopes? Make things simpler by using a sponge (a small makeup sponge works perfectly) and a bowl of water. Just moisten the sponge and use it to activate the glue on the envelopes.
Seating Chart Planning
Make planning your seating chart a little easier. Use a dry-erase board and draw in your tables, then use sticky tabs with the names of your guests to represent the guests. You can easily move them around and shift things until you get the perfect seating chart!

Keeping Track of Gifts
To make sure you don’t make a huge booboo and thank one guest for another guest’s gift, use this idea. Have someone write down the names of who sent the gift on a blank address label when you open the gift. Then, affix the label to the box or the product until you’re ready to write thank you notes. You can easily see on the box who gave you the gift so you won’t forget!

Wedding Day Handout
Create a wedding day handout with emergency contact numbers, asking that specific people be contacted in certain situations. Just add a reminder not to contact the bride! This way, you won’t be disturbed but everything will go as planned.
Duplicate Gifts
If you have received duplicate gifts, don’t be too quick to return them all. For certain gifts, it’s a better idea to keep the duplicate. For instance, if you’ve received two of the same coffeemaker, store one at the top of a closet. If your carafe breaks or the entire machine breaks, you have another brand new one ready to go!
These are just a few ideas that will help make your wedding (and the before and after) a little easier and less stressful for you!
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