Many people become confused about bachelorette parties and wedding showers. Who should be invited? What is the proper venue for each? It’s important to get this all cleared up before you start inviting guests to either.
The Bachelorette Party
According to Bach Bride, the bachelorette party is usually thrown by the maid of honor and is typically reserved for your closest girlfriends. This is because bachelorette parties can get a little crude; girls just want to have fun, right? The last thing you want is Aunt Mildred to show up while you and the girls are seeing who can take the best shot of tequila without using their hands. Most people don’t bring gifts to a bachelorette party, but some might do it anyway.

One important tip is that individuals who are invited to either the bachelorette party or the wedding shower should also be invited to the wedding. It’s considered poor etiquette to accept a gift from someone at a wedding shower and then not send them an invite to the wedding.
The Wedding Shower
The wedding shower is usually held 2-3 months before the wedding, and it’s a tasteful event where guests bring gifts and you celebrate the fact that you’re about to be married. Typically, you’ll invite the females in your family and your closest friends and acquaintances. There should be no lingerie gifts, unless they’re incredibly tasteful.

So there you have it – that’s the big difference between wedding showers and bachelorette parties!
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