Many brides now consider ways to preserve wedding dresses using services like that of Affordable Preservation. Whether or not you want to save your wedding dress for your daughter, another special family member or just keep it for memory’s sake, it’s important to preserve it correctly. Here are some tips on how to properly preserve your wedding dress.

Having the Dress Cleaned
One of the most important parts of preserving your dress is having it cleaned. Even if you can’t see any stains on the dress, it’s possible that it does contain some. Maybe when you spilled that champagne or dropped a piece of wedding cake. Even stains that can’t be seen can oxidize and turn yellow through the years, creating a very visible, stubborn stain. Take your dress to a professional cleaner and have it thoroughly cleaned.
Wrapping the Dress
Next, the dress should be wrapped. It’s important to wrap it in acid-free, white tissue paper or in plain muslin. Tissue paper that isn’t acid free can ruin the dress and colored tissue paper could stain or harm the dress as well. Gently fold the dress and wrap it with the paper.

Packaging the Dress for the Future
After thoroughly wrapping the dress, place it in an acid-free box that allows for breathing and changing temperatures. Make sure the box is paperboard rather than plastic, as plastic can trap moisture and cause your dress to mildew or mold. Placing the dress in a box is important, as it keeps out light which can also damage the material of your dress. Place the dress in a temperature-controlled area, such as your closet.

Having it Preserve
You can pay a specialist to cleanse and preserve your dress for you, but you’re looking at a hefty price tag if you do. In fact, many specialists will charge between $200 and $800 to preserve your dress, depending upon the material and embellishments.
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