Throwing rice used to be a tradition, enabling guests to bless the couple with fortune and fertility. These days, it’s not such a popular option, especially to owners of the wedding venue. There are some great and fun alternatives, however, like the ones below.
Providing a mini bottle of bubbles for each guest is a perfect alternative to rice. As the bride and groom exit, the wedding guests can blow bubbles to wish them well. This also makes for a fantastic wedding photograph. These bubbles are available as wedding favors and can be personalized to serve as a great memento.

Rose Petals
While rose petals are admittedly just as messy as rice, many venues would prefer wedding guests to choose the former. Rose petals can be purchased specifically for this purpose and given to guests in tiny sachets. This also makes for a really great wedding photo.

Bird Seed
Since throwing rice is a bit controversial (some people say it’s bad for the birds while others say it’s a myth), choosing bird seed is a great way to avoid all the issues. It serves the same purpose as the rice and gives the birds a fun treat after the wedding celebration is over.

While there are many other alternatives, these seem to be the most popular. Try to choose something that works really well with your wedding theme and tone. For instance, rose petals are perfect for a Victorian-themed wedding.
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