If you’re looking for centerpieces that aren’t overly complicated but still make a magnificent statement, you’ve come to the right place. These centerpieces are lovely and will really create a breathtaking effect in any room, but they’re also incredibly simple.
Roses in Glasses
These beautiful red rose blossoms sit snugly in glasses, with a tiny bit of water in the bottom to keep them looking fresh. This is a very simple centerpiece, but can look amazing when surrounded by candles and placed in the centers of the tables.
Romantic Centerpieces
These pretty centerpieces feature romantic and delicate blossoms overflowing from lightly tinted glass bottles. This is gorgeous and would work well for a summer wedding

Calla Lilies
These beautiful centerpieces are easy to create. They’re just tall vases filled with water, submerged calla lilies and floating candles. It looks very sophisticated and beautiful though.
Cabbage Roses
This is a great example of letting the flowers shine in a centerpiece. They’re simply tucked into a clear mason jar, but the flowers look stunning! These are great centerpieces for an outdoor summer ceremony or reception.
Baby’s Breath
Baby’s breath can be stunning in large bundles. Here, it’s tucked into colored jars with ribbons tied around them. It’s beautiful and very simple.

These are just a few ideas for simple and gorgeous centerpieces. Use these as inspiration when creating your own wonderful centerpieces for your wedding!