The popularity of Pinterest grows each and every day, and clever new ideas are being added all the time. There are such amazing ideas waiting to be discovered, especially when it comes to newlyweds. A friend remarked to me the other day that she wished Pinterest had been around when she was married because she would have used so many ideas that she never knew about before. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite ideas for newlyweds, courtesy of Pinterest, for first anniversary gifts.
365 I Love You’s Gift Idea

From the day you are married on, write a little love note for your spouse every day. It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out letter…just a sweet little note. It could be something they did that day that made you smile or something you love about them, etc. Fold it up and place it in a decorative jar. Do this every day and on the day of your first anniversary, present it to them as a gift.
A Star Map
Under Lucky Stars is an online print company that offers special star maps for special moments. These maps are meant to commemorate significant events in your life, such as the day of your first kiss, your wedding, or even the day you were born. There are 16 different designs, so you can choose the one that matches the feeling of the occasion. Lucky Stars also provides 3 different sizes and 6 framing options.
Under Lucky Stars are the original Star Map company and the only one verified by a NASA astronomer!
Saved Mementos
Another great idea is to save little mementos from special moments you’ve shared throughout the year. This can include things like movie tickets stubs, restaurant take-out menus, small gift-shop souvenirs, etc. Place these items in a decorative jar or box and give them to your spouse on your anniversary. It will show him or her how much you cherish the time you spend together.
Wedding Anniversary Pictures

For your first wedding anniversary, have a picture taken of you and your spouse. In the picture, hold a wedding photo of the two of you. Have this photo framed. For your second anniversary, hold the framed photo of your first anniversary picture and so on. This is a wonderful tradition and you will enjoy seeing the changes and the original pictures getting smaller and smaller throughout the years.
In a Year From Now Letter
On your wedding day, sit down and write a little letter to your spouse. Include your predictions for the next year with sentences like, “In a year from now, we will probably have argued X times,” or, “In a year from now, I think we will be expecting our first child.” Fill the letter with all sorts of predictions about your life and how it will be a year from that day. Place it in a box and include a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. On your first anniversary, give it to your spouse and you can open it together and enjoy the wine while you read the predictions to see what came true.
These are just a few of the wonderful ideas Pinterest offers up for first anniversary ideas and gifts. Have you seen anything particularly clever lately, that inspired you to create a fantastic gift for your spouse? Share the idea with us via the comments below!
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