Want to create an unforgettable wedding shower? Here are some tips to help ensure you throw a memorable party that no one will want to miss! Every wedding shower host wants to put together an unforgettable occasion, especially if they are the maid of honor or a close friend or … [Read more...]
Wedding Shower Thank You Note Wording
It’s absolutely imperative that brides send out thank you cards for those who attended their wedding showers and brought gifts. There aren’t a ton of etiquette rules for this kind of thank you note, but it’s important that some etiquette be observed. Check out these tips and the … [Read more...]
What to Include on Your Wedding Shower Invitations
Planning a wedding shower? Do you know exactly what needs to be on the invitation? Here’s a hand guide that will ensure that you have everything correct. Who is Hosting the Shower? You’ll want to put the name of the individual hosting the wedding shower, whether … [Read more...]
Who Should Plan a Wedding Shower?
Have you volunteered to help plan a wedding shower for a friend or family member? Have you been asked to help plan one? If you’re wondering whether or not you should tackle the planning process on your own, read on. Who should plan a wedding shower, anyway? Many hosts volunteer … [Read more...]
Last-Minute Wedding Shower Flubs and How to Fix Them
If you’re planning a wedding shower for a friend or family member, chances are you’ll run across a flub or two on the day of the shower. No need to fret! Here are some common last-minute wedding shower flubs and how to fix them. No matter how hard wedding shower hosts try to … [Read more...]